Adriana Lobdă
Founder & Senior Advisor Finesenza
Over 20 years of experience in auditing and audit advisory services working mainly with Big 4 professional service companies.
High level of expertise:
- In charge with coordination of audit missions for a wide range of clients, from medium size companies to large size companies, operating in different industries, such as: consumer products and services, healthcare, manufacturing, construction, energy & utilities, real estate, public administration etc.
- Serving a portfolio of clients with dual reporting, i.e. Romanian GAAP and IFRS. Involved in IPO related engagements in Romania. She has in depth expertise with the procedures of risk prevention and financial audit quality control, in accordance with IFAC requirements.
- Participation in numerous audits, reviews and other advisory engagements for local and international clients, performing audits in accordance with IFRS, US GAAP and Romanian statutory requirements.
- While working for Big 4 companies Adriana acted as liaison partner with Romanian Chamber of Financial Auditors and she was involved also in trainings project for the Romanian Court of Accounts. She was actively involved in supporting courses in auditing standards developed by the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) and the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC).
Memberships and recognitions:
- Member of Romanian Chamber of Financial Auditors(CAFR)
- Certified Accountants Body (CECCAR)
- Member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, UK (ACCA),
- Member of Romanian Association of Evaluators (ANEVAR),
- Certified Project Manager and EU funds expert, along with „Train the Trainers“ Programmes
Our vision is to act as a senior and reliable business partner for Romanian entrepreneurships and corporations that choose to grow wisely and sustainably. Enhanced, high quality financial reporting and state-of-the-art corporate governance are momentous for robust business decisions and vital for this kind of growth. They are the nutshell of our expertise and the core of the guidance we can provide.
We combine in our business approach the best of both worlds: senior expertise on financial reporting with flexible attitude towards the optimization of company’s resources to reflect accurately the reality of the business. For a good balance of interests of all its shareholders and stakeholders.
Our endeavor aims to elevate not only businesses per se, but also states of mind and attitudes. Not only to vitalize a procedural framework but also a mindset towards value-added procedures.
Business results and business education go hand in hand. And this is because the real up-lift of a company is ultimately a matter of reputation and prestige.
We offer our Best Advice in Client’s Best Interest, even if the advice goes counter-intuitively or shakes apparent comfort.
We gathered High Expertise and Industry Insights. This is a fact that can only be proved during the collaboration. But besides being a fact, it is our everlasting belief in the power of real expertise.
We prove Unquestionable Integrity as the sine-qua-non in our field of activity. There is no exemption to the moral law.
We exercise Collaborative & Smooth Approach of the task, as we understand companies’ specifics with a sense of empathy. We never destroy a Gordian knot, we dismantle and mitigate instead.